Mrs. wilson might awake in a state which mary dreaded to anticipate, and anticipated while she dreaded in a state of complete delirium . 玛丽深怕威尔逊太太醒过来会神志不清,满口呓语;她越想越怕,越怕越想。
Cogito ergo sum . " i think , therefore i am . 叩机都呓呃勾深。 "我想,我就是.
I ' m babbling 我在呓语
Such talk was really the gabbling of an idiot . he no longer knew what he was talking about 这种谈话是白痴的呓语,她再也不知道他在说着什么了。
While today , being alone is almost impossible , in the crowd , are you going to ride a horse and carry a sword 时至今日,这已成痴人呓语,你怎能在人群里持刀策马?
I enjoy so much , as always , reading the lines composed by you , dear john , for they are nantual and beautiful 阅读湖畔呓语的文字总是愉悦的,或许我们都属于长大未成年。
He tried to move off a medical - aid stretcher and , just before he died , spoke something that could not be understood 他试图离开医护担架,临死前还说了一些听不懂的呓语。
All this was said with such exceeding rapidity , that there was something in the conversation that seemed like the beginning of delirium 这些话说得非常急促,她的谈话似乎有点象呓语了。
Fortunately , he fancied that dant s was delirious ; and placing the food on the rickety table , he withdrew 幸亏狱卒以为唐太斯在讲呓语,他把食物放在那张歪歪斜斜的桌子上后,就退了出去。
I think i rave in a kind of exquisite delirium . i should wish now to protract this moment ad infinitum ; but i dare not 我想我是在美梦中呓语,我真想把眼前这一刻adinfinitum延长,但我不敢。