What is there that persons just out of harness dread so much as reminders of the trade which has enriched them ? 一个人,一旦告老退休,脱去工作服装,他所怕的,还有比使他想起当初让他发财的事情更厉害的吗?
In the final years of the manchu dynasty , high officials and powerful eunuchs resign en mass and retire to the countryside . village children , starved and ignorant stare at the new arrival with admiration . nine - year - old lai shi decides to be a eunuch himself 宣统年间反清狂潮热哄,宫内太监纷纷告老归田,河北静海县小村内贫穷的孩童,误认为当太监会飞黄腾达,九岁的来喜遂游说父亲为他净身,事后为免村民嘲笑,把他送到京城中学艺。