Petya thought no more now of presenting his petition 彼佳现在已经不再想递呈文了。
1 . fill in and submit the application form 1 .填妥并呈文会籍申请表格。
To what committee has the note been referred ? asked prince andrey “呈文究竟转交给什么委员会? ”安德烈公爵问道。
No , i could never give him the petition myself , it would be too bold “不行,我不能亲自把呈文递给皇上,这样太冒失了! ”
I have no petition to make , but his majesty the tsar has graciously sent to your excellency a note submitted by me “我什么也不请求,皇帝陛下叫我把递上的呈文转送给大人”
If no objection was raised by the local community within three months , the new name would be legal 申请人只要呈文地方长官,由他们转呈司法部,在三个月内若无人反对,新姓名即可生效。
And of all this make out clearly in french a memorandum showing all the information we have had of the movements of the austrian army “依据这全部公文用法文清晰地编写一份用memorandum ,把我们所掌握的奥军军事行动的全部消息编写成一份呈文。
I have come by the desire of his majesty the tsar to learn from your excellency how you propose to deal with my project , said prince andrey courteously “我遵照陛下的旨意前来向大人打听,您打算怎样处理递上的呈文? ”安德烈公爵毕恭毕敬地说。
It should be noted that name - changing was not compulsory and only chinese citizens are allowed to change their names to indonesian names alien chinese were are not allowed 必须指出的是,改名换姓并不是强制性的,有意改名者得正式呈文申请,也只有印尼籍民方能申请。
I know myself that one has no control over ones likes and dislikes , thought prince andrey , and so it is of no use to think of presenting my note on army reform in person to the tsar , but the thing will speak for itself . he sent word about his note to an old field - marshal , a friend of his fathers “我本人知道,人人都会对别人产生好感,或者产生反感,不过我们无可奈何, ”安德烈公爵想道, “因此用不着想到关于亲自向国王送交军事条令呈文的事情,但事情本身是会说明问题的。 ”他把有关他的呈文的内容转告父亲的友人老元帅。