A manner of producing or uttering tones , especially with regard to accuracy of pitch 吟咏产生或发出音调的方式,特指注意音高准确性的发音方式
Uncommon , beautiful style and unrestrained , delightful life - an approach to fan cheng - da ' s early poems 范成大初年吟咏之清丽俊逸诗风与豪纵快意的生活
They can be generalized as : ( 1 ) perceiving the delicacy of language on the whole by reading 语感教学的策略可以概括为: (一)诵读吟咏:整体感知言语神妙。
He moved a doll s head to and fro , the brims of his panama hat quivering , and began to chant in a quiet happy foolish voice 他来回晃动着一个玩偶脑袋,巴拿马帽檐颤动着,用安详欣悦而憨朴的嗓门吟咏起来:
The more than 500 poems in chen wenshu ' s " xiling guiyong " dedicated to the writing of females of hangzhou from ancient times to qing dynasty 摘要清代陈文述《西泠闺咏》五百首诗,主要在吟咏上古以迄清代与杭州相关的女性。
During the oracular sessions , the pythia spoke in an altered voice and tended to chant her responses , indulging in wordplay and puns 皮?亚会以一种不同于平常的声音传达神谕,并倾向以吟咏的方式回应,说出的尽是暧昧的文字游戏与双关语。
In qinhuai area , such as : fan li , zhou yu , wang dao , xie an , li bai , du mu , wu jingzi , etc . nanjing confucius temple was built in song dynasty a . d . 1034 and expanded in east 有历史上的繁华盛况,更有现代再创的灿烂美景,历代名人?她击节吟咏,当代志士?她慷慨放歌!