关节: 1.[生理学] (骨头连接处) joint; articulation; articulus; juncture; arthrosis; article; artus; knuckle 短语和例子手指关节 finger joint; 一个关节脱臼了。 a joint has started. 人老了, 关节也硬化了。 the man is getting old and h
足: Ⅰ名词1.(脚; 腿) foot; leg 短语和例子赤足 barefoot; 失足 lose one's footing; 鼎足 the legs of a tripot2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子足强 zu qiangⅡ形容词(充足; 足够) sufficient; ample; enough; full 短语和例子干劲十足 full of energy