| 1. | Future crises were handled crisply . 后来的一次次危机都处理得干净利落。 |
| 2. | Let us draw a veil over what followed . 我们将后来的事瞒住吧! |
| 3. | Madame philippe's later designs caught on . 菲利普夫人后来的设计甚为风行。 |
| 4. | I do n't know what happened later on . 后来的事我就不知道了。 |
| 5. | Later judgements have confirmed his estimate . 后来的裁决却证实了他评价的公正。 |
| 6. | The results belied his father 's expectations . 后来的情形使他父亲的希望落空了。 |
| 7. | Why should i tell the rest ? 后来的情况还须要我说吗? |
| 8. | What has become of him ? 他后来的情况怎样了? |
| 9. | An initial failure was bound to blight a later success . 第一次的失败必然会使后来的成功逊色。 |
| 10. | Those who came later followed the policies he had traced out . 后来的人都按他制定的方针政策行事。 |