This was the first time mom had let grandpa out of the house since last autumn . 这次是去年秋天后妈妈首次让爷爷到屋外去。
I don " t think your stepmom " s going to be coming back 我不认为你的后妈会回来
Stepmother : daughters , are you ready ? let ' s go 后妈:女儿们,你们准备好了吗?我们走吧。
The only disgusting person here is your stepmother . she ' s hideous 这里唯一恶心的人是你的后妈她才卑鄙下流呢
But her mother passed away soon , and her father found her a step - mother 可是,不久她的母亲去世了,父亲又找了一个后妈。
Stepmother : come on , daughters . you must put on your most beautiful dress and make up 后妈:女儿们过来,你们必须打扮得、穿的最漂亮。
Stepmother : she is your little sister . but it doesn ' t matter . look ! alice , go , clean the room and then cook for us 后妈:她是你们的妹妹,但是没关系。看!爱丽丝,去打扫房间然后给我们做饭。
To think of him house and homeless , rooked by some landlady worse than any stepmother , was really too bad at his age . the queer suddenly things he popped out with attracted the elder man who was several years the other s senior or like his father 考虑到他既没有栖身之所,又没有亲人,钱财都被一个比任何后妈都更歹毒的房东大娘榨骗了去以他这个年而言,确实糟糕透了。