Sundown , gunfire for the men to cross the lines 日暮时分,通知士兵返回要塞的号炮。
Fifth cannon , roll away ! they were shouting on one side “快到五号炮位,把它推上来! ”
Number one bounded back nimbly 第一号炮兵迅速地跳开。
Mr blakeney , the nine - pounder 布莱克尼先生,九号炮台
The handsome , drunken soldier , number one gunner of the second cannon , was in his dreamworld uncle ; tushin looked at him more often than at any of the rest , and took delight in every gesture of the man 古他的幻想世界里,那个美男子,醉汉,第二门大炮的第一号炮手就是大叔,图申对他另眼相看,他的每一个动作都使他觉得高兴。
A broad - shouldered , gigantic soldier , gunner number one , with a mop , darted up to the wheel and planted himself , his legs wide apart ; while number two , with a shaking hand , put the charge into the cannons mouth ; a small man with stooping shoulders , the officer tushin , stumbling against the cannon , dashed forward , not noticing the general , and looked out , shading his eyes with his little hand 肩膀宽阔的魁梧的一号炮手拿着洗膛杆,两腿叉得很宽,跳到轮子前面二号炮手伸出巍颤颤的手将火药装入炮筒。身材矮小有点佝偻的图申军官,在炮尾架上绊了一跤,他向前跑去,没有注意将军用一只小手搭起凉棚,不时地向外张望。