| 1. | - nice guy . - stanley owes me a big favor -是个好人-史丹利欠我个大人情 |
| 2. | Nice guy . - stanley owes me a big favor 是个好人-史丹利欠我个大人情 |
| 3. | Jack : you won ' t need it . stanley , my best man , is going to treat everybody 杰克:用不着的。我的伴郎史丹利要请大家! |
| 4. | Henry morton stanley 亨利莫顿史丹利 |
| 5. | Morgan stanley has raised the 12 - month price target for china mobile to $ 42 . 5 摩根史丹利把中国移动的12个月目标价提升至42 . 5元。 |
| 6. | Evidence was taken from b stanley ( lake chabot ) and h lam ( macau warrior ) 小组听取翠宝之骑师史丹利与濠江骠骥之骑师林凯之证供。 |
| 7. | Ryan : where is stanley ? it was his idea to have the bachelor ' s party at a ktv , wasn ' t it 雷恩:史丹利跑哪去了?不是他说要在ktv办单身派对的吗? |
| 8. | Jack : if it were up to stanley , we ' d have the wedding in the ktv ! he loves to sing 杰克:要是史丹利作主的话,我们连婚礼都会在ktv办!他真爱唱歌。 |
| 9. | A complimentary half - day city tour of chinatown , downtown , and stanley park will be arranged for guests that arrive in vancouver before noon ( 12 : 00pm ) 往北美最大市内公园史丹利公园,团友可在煤港旁的图腾公园拍照留念。 |
| 10. | Then she went up the row a way and laid another bunch on a stone , and on it , it said , stanley j . weiserman , that was her name . usmc 1944 她继续走著,到了另一个墓碑前,写著史丹利韦斯曼,是她的姓,史丹利死于一九四四年。 |