这台钟的机件结构很不简单: the mechanism of the clock is very complicated
Example Sentences:
The mechanism of the clock is very complicated . 这台钟的机件结构很不简单。
The clock is ticking . 台钟在滴答滴答地响。
This spinning augments the spinning of the four dreamtimes above , much like the gears of a clock turn each section 这旋转加大了上方四个梦想时间层的旋转,就像一台钟表齿轮将各部分转动。
It was beautiful to hear that clock tick ; and sometimes when one of these peddlers had been along and scoured her up and got her in good shape , she would start in and strike a hundred and fifty before she got tuckered out 有时会有走乡串镇的工匠来擦洗一遍,整得象模象样的,它就能一口气敲响一百五十下,这才累得停下来。这样的一台钟,不管你愿出多少价,他们也不肯卖。