within sight but beyond reach; can be looked at but not touched; inaccessible; unattainable 短语和例子 对我们来说, 那是可望而不可即的。 for us, it's something that we may aspire to but can never attain
Related Translations:
对我们来说那是可望而不可即的: for us it's something that we may aspire to but can never attain
Example Sentences:
He was tantalized by visions of power and wealth 他追求不到可望而不可即的权力和财富,受尽了折磨
It is not so much a definitely realistic goal as secular sublimity that tempted faust to pursue 摘要吸引浮士德永无休止追求的不是任何确定的现实目标,而是一种非宗教的宗教境界,一种可望而不可即的精神之光。
The sight of the trees so near at hand had almost made me sick with longing ; but the current had soon carried me past the point ; and , as the next reach of sea opened out , i beheld a sight that changed the nature of my thoughts 近在飓尺的树林可望而不可即,使我更加难以忍受这种煎熬,但潮流很快把我冲过了岬角。当下一片海面出现后,我看到的景观使我改变了原来的想法。
But now he had seen that world , possible and real , with a flower of a woman called ruth in the midmost centre of it ; and thenceforth he must know bitter tastes , and longings sharp as pain , and hopelessness that tantalized because it fed on hope 叶是现在他却看到了那个世界,可能而且现实,它的核心是一个花朵般的女人叫露丝从此以后他就得品尝种种苦味,品尝像痛苦一样尖锐的相思,品尝绝望的滋味,那绝望靠希望哺育,可望而不可即。
These perfect conditions for a perfect market are hard to come by and so , whether we like it or not , there is often a need for regulation of financial markets and supervision of financial institutions to safeguard the public interest in effective financial intermediation , and the stability and integrity of the financial system 这样完美的市场,实在是可望而不可即的。因此,即使我们不喜欢也好,金融市场与金融机构还是需要规管的,以确保金融中介机制有效运作及金融体系稳定健全,从而保障公众利益。
It seemed a glow to him , a warm and trailing vapor , ever beyond his reaching , though sometimes he was rewarded by catching at shreds of it and weaving them into phrases that echoed in his brain with haunting notes or drifted across his vision in misty wafture of unseen beauty . it was baffling 那东西于他宛若一道微明的亮光,一片温馨的流云,永远可望而不可即,他偶然抓住了一丝半缕编织成几个诗句,那维绕的音韵便在他脑子里回荡往复,而那以前从未见过的芙便如膝俄的雾雷在他的视野中涌现。