叩头求饶: beat one's forehead on the ground and whine for mercy; knock the head begging for pardon; kowtow begging for mercy; perform a kowtow and beg for mercy
叩头谢罪: hit one's forehead on the ground and acknowledge one's guilt
There was a nice lively beetle inside each case . 不过每个表壳里都有个活叩头虫。
My god, what would a man do with a woman like that except worshiping her ? 我的天哪,男人碰上这种女人,除了对她叩头膜拜之外,还能做什么呢?
- yeah , 5 : 00 , all right ? tell mom . - knock them dead -是的,五点整,怎么样?告诉妈妈-给他们叩头吧
Yeah , 5 : 00 , all right ? tell mom . - knock them dead -是的,五点整,怎么样?告诉妈妈-给他们叩头吧
She wanted to bow to us , but we stopped her and asked her to bow to buddha instead 她立即要向我们叩头顶礼,我们告诉她只要顶礼十方三世佛就行了。
The whole fami ly then kowtowed toward the south to show their gratitude to heaven for having saved them 然后,全家对南方的天空叩头,感谢老天爷保佑全家人平安。
Behind , before , and all around it , walked or ran crowds of soldiers with bared heads , bowing to the earth 圣像的周围是成群的没戴帽子的军人,他们走着,跑着,跪拜叩头。
Mihailo , says he , come here , bend down to his feet ; and you , women , bow down ; and you , grandchildren 米哈伊洛,他说,到这儿来,给他跪下叩头,还有你,媳妇,跪下,还有孙辈也来下跪。
Did you know that click beetles and weevils are toys of rural children , beetles in cow dung are guardians of environmental hygiene , and flies that we all loathe make great contributions to medical science 叩头虫和象鼻虫是乡间儿童的玩具?牛粪里的甲虫竟是环境卫生的战士?讨厌的苍蝇又是医学上的功臣?
When the service was over , kutuzov went up to the holy picture , dropped heavily down on his knees , bowing to the earth , and for a long time he attempted to get up , and was unable from his weakness and heavy weight 祈祷完毕了,库图佐夫走到圣像前,挺费劲地跪下叩头,试了半天想站起来,却因身体笨重衰弱,站不起来。