Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father ' s brother , thou shalt not approach to his wife : she is thine aunt 不可亲近你伯叔之妻,羞辱了你伯叔,她是你的伯叔母。
You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father ' s brother ; you shall not approach his wife , she is your aunt 利18 : 14不可亲近你伯叔之妻、羞辱了你伯叔、他是你的伯叔母。
You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father ' s brother , that is , you shall not approach his wife ; she is your aunt 14不可亲近你伯叔的妻子,这乃是露你伯叔的下体;她是你的伯叔母。