Chinese translation for "原告 "
[ yuángào ] [法律] 1.(民事的) plaintiff; complainant; demandant: a先生作原告的辩护人, b先生作被告的辩护人。 mr. a was counsel for the plaintiff, and mr. b for the defendant. 2.(刑事的) prosecutor; accuser 短语和例子 原告控告被告犯有欺诈罪。 the prosecutor accused the defendant of fraud.; 原告 (的)诉状 libel; 原告人 plaintiff; prosecutor; 原告证人 witness for the prosecutor Related Translations:原告自诉 : plaintiff sues in person
指名原告 : named plaintiffs the originators of a class action suit
原告辩护律师 : counsel for the prosecution
讯问原告 : interrogation of a indictor
Example Sentences: 1. The plaintiff sees no chance of success .原告 认为没有胜诉的机会。 2. The prosecutor accused the defendant of fraud .原告 控告被告犯有欺诈罪。 3. Judgment was given against the plaintiff . 作出原告 败诉的裁决。 4. The pursuer requests the court to grant him remedy .原告 要求法院给予救济。 5. The plaintiff had won, but was ruined financially .原告 虽然胜诉,如弄得倾家荡产。 6. The prosecution makes certain changes against the defence .原告 对被告提出若干指控。 7. The plaintiff has no case .原告 无话可辩。 8. It follows that the title to the lands in question is in the plaintiff . 由此可见,双方争执之土地所有权应属于原告 一方。 9. The prosecution has shouted, stormed, and threatened, but he has not said why bigger thomas killed !原告 大声嚷嚷着,暴跳如雷,进行恫吓,但他没说出来比格托马斯为什么杀人! 10. An annotation of plaintiff in lawsuits of public interests 对公益诉讼原告 的诠释
Similar Words: "原稿中反复出现的罕用字" Chinese translation , "原稿中缺秒的部分" Chinese translation , "原稿中重复出现" Chinese translation , "原稿准备" Chinese translation , "原稿自动处理装置" Chinese translation , "原告,管理人" Chinese translation , "原告,起诉者" Chinese translation , "原告,权利请求人" Chinese translation , "原告败诉的判决" Chinese translation , "原告辩护律师" Chinese translation