| 1. | W1 : i feel like i am walking through history 走进故宫,就像徜徉在历史的长河中。 |
| 2. | The past is filled with incredible mysteries 历史的长河中积满了不可思议的秘密。 |
| 3. | You have always been part of china since ancient time 在历史的长河里,你就是中国的河山。 |
| 4. | In the larger course of history . . 在历史的长河中. . |
| 5. | Chapter 1 the orientation hall : the course of history and regional history 第1章总介绍大厅历史的长河与地区历史 |
| 6. | Many important individuals have left their mark on history 这些具有影响力的人在历史的长河中留下了他们的轨迹。 |
| 7. | In the larger course of history 在历史的长河中 |
| 8. | Chapter 1 the flow of history 第1章历史的长河 |
| 9. | Much time has passed since jefferson arrived for his inauguration 杰斐逊来这里宣誓就职的盛况早已消失在历史的长河中。 |
| 10. | In history , yao people has created various colorful raiment cluture with their own hard work and wisdom 在历史的长河中,瑶族人民以自己的勤劳智慧创造了千姿百态、丰富多彩的服饰文化。 |