| 1. | A half truth is often no better than a lie 半真半假的话常常跟谎言一样糟。 |
| 2. | What he told me was only half ? truth 他告诉我的只是些半真半假的东西而已。 |
| 3. | What he told me was only half - truth 他告诉我的只是半真半假的东西而已。 |
| 4. | Half the truth is often a great lie 半真半假常是弥天大谎。 |
| 5. | Terror hand : house is crazy for frozen food piles half - truths 操盘手:房子疯狂热卖是桩半真半假的事! |
| 6. | With television today , truth ever catches up with half - truth 而在这个电视机时代,真相更难赶上半真半假的说词了。 |
| 7. | What the scientists are afraid of is an unforeseen accident and its sudden regulatory consequences amid confusion and half - truths 科学家们唯一担心的就是意外突发事故并造成混淆和半真半假的结果。 |
| 8. | Like " the pilgrim " in one of his favorite songs , kristofferson ' s career may have seemed " a walking contradiction , partly truth and partly fiction . 就像他在一首最爱的歌朝圣者中所写的,他的事业可能就是充满矛盾,半真半假。 |
| 9. | The majority of parents believe that their children are too young to know the truth about the origins of life , but they forget that the media is full of half truths and images 大多数父母认为,自己的孩子还没到了解生命起源之真相的年纪,但是他们忘了媒体上到处都是半真半假的涉性内容。 |
| 10. | I should not settle tamely down into being the forbearing party ; i should assign you your share of labour , and compel you to accomplish it , or else it should be left undone : i should insist , also , on your keeping some of those drawling , half - insincere complaints hushed in your own breast 我不该乖乖地成为忍受的一方,而该把你的一份活儿分派给你,迫使你去完成,要不然就让它留着不做。我还该坚持让你那慢条斯理半真半假的诉苦咽到你肚子里去。 |