| 1. | Ir imaging guidance and countermeasures 红外成像制导半实物仿真现状与发展 |
| 2. | Research on imaging guidance semi physical simulation system design 成像制导半实物仿真系统设计研究 |
| 3. | Studying and realizing in simulating half - hardware of the gps civil signal 卫星民用信号半实物仿真研究 |
| 4. | Fault tolerant design of sins gps dvl integrated navigation system 制导航弹半实物仿真系统误差分析与建模 |
| 5. | Design of hardware - in - the - loop simulation system for laser end - guided shell 激光末制导炮弹半实物仿真系统 |
| 6. | Evaluation of hwil simulation technology for guided weapons of the us 美陆军制导武器试验半实物仿真技术综述 |
| 7. | Design of a hardware - in - the - loop simulation system for sins gps of air ammunition 组合导航系统半实物仿真试验设计 |
| 8. | Photoelectric orientation semi - physical simulation system for large scale equipments 大型装备光电定向半实物仿真系统 |
| 9. | Design and realization of sins two - antenna gps integrated navigation system 坐标转换在组合导航系统半实物仿真中的应用 |
| 10. | Virtual instrument development for hardware - in - loop simulation of underwater vehicle 水下航行器半实物仿真系统虚拟仪器开发 |