[ shíwǎnbāqiānlǐ ] a distance of one hundred and eight thousand li; poles apart; very far away; wide of the mark; 离题十万八千里 miles away from the subject; completely off the point
There was an immeasurable distance between the quick and the dead . 活人和死者之间的距离有十万八千里。
His day had been spent in a way which varied very materially from his intentions regarding it . 那一天过得和他原来所打算的相距十万八千里。
Now you can tell pierce and all your friends they're a million miles off base . 现在你可以回去告诉皮尔斯和你的所有朋友他们完全错了,他们离题十万八千里。
But in my heart , he ' s a million miles away 但在我心里却像隔着十万八千里
But in my heart , he ' s a million miles away 但在我心里却像隔着十万八千里
Who run the whole goddamned show 离这场该死的交易十万八千里。
Who run the whole goddamned show 离这场该死的交易十万八千里。
" oh , no , " was the tranquil response ; " i am too fond of art to attempt anything of that sort “不,不!我现在做的这件事跟画画相差十万八千里。我是在解数学。 ”
" but hang it , jim , you ve clean missed the point - blame it , you ve missed it a thousand mile . “可是,该死的是,杰姆,你根本没有抓住要害真该死,你把问题看歪了十万八千里啦! ”
And yet you dare to open the books , to listen to beautiful music , to learn to love beautiful paintings , to speak good english , to think thoughts that none of your own kind thinks , to tear yourself away from the oxen and the lizzie connollys and to love a pale spirit of a woman who is a million miles beyond you and who lives in the stars 可你却胆敢翻汗书本,听美好的音乐,学着爱美丽的绘画,说纯正的英语,产生你的自己人产生不出来的思想,挣扎着要离开牛群和丽康诺利这样的姑娘们,去爱上跟你相距十万八千里住在星星里的苍白的精灵一样的女人。