Traditional chinese medicine in views of system science and system complexity 从系统科学和系统复杂性的角度看中医理论
Have long - term attending to experience , have certain medical knowledge knowledge 拥有长期的护理经验,拥有一定的医理知识。
Information on the pilot scheme including its objectives , guides to appointment , key responsibilities of the apns and other nursing grade review information are available on the ha intranet , which is accessible to ha staff 有关先导计划的资料,包括其目标、聘任指南、资深护师的主要职责和其他护理职系的检讨资料等,已上载医管局的内联网,供医理局员工参阅。
So , this dissertation focused on these main ways of traditional chinese philology , such as the ways of philology , phonology and exegetics , and basing on the particularity of medicine documents , summed up roundly a system of the ways of anhui - school plain - ology about collating and exegetics of suwen ( 素 问 ) from five angles - the way of distinguishing the forms , the way of discussing the pronunciations , the way of explaining the meanings , the way of collation , the way of explaining the medical principles , and by comparing it with the exegetic school , made a farther summarization to the characteristics of the collative school from such ways - the style of study , the spirit of study and the way of study , etc 论文从五个角度全面归纳了皖派朴学《素问》校诂的方法体系:辨形方法、考音方法、释义方法、校勘方法、释医理方法。在比较“注释派”的基础上,本文从治学风格、治学精神、治学方法诸方面,进一步总结了校诂派的独到特色。第四,中国学术史上的“汉宋之争”是形成《素问》校诂派与注释派的重要学术背景因素。
The people who studied neijing ( 内 经 ) historieally can be classified as two sorts ? the exegetes in collation and exegetes in commentaries of medicine books . the former such as duanyucai ( 段 玉 裁 ) 、 hushu ( 胡 澎 ) 、 yuyue ( 俞 樾 ) 、 sunyirang ( 孙 诒 让 ) 、 yuchang ( 于 鬯 ) , who belonged to anhui school of the experts in plain - ology , paid their attentions to textual researeh for contextual contents as their style of study , and the latter sueh as wangbing ( 王 冰 ) 、 wukun ( 吴 昆 ) 、 zhangjiebin ( 张 介 宾 ) 、 mashi ( 马 莳 ) 、 zhangzhicong ( 张 志 聪 ) , who all were famous physicians , paid their attentions to the explaining of medical principles as their style of study . a famous professor of the conteeporary era , qianchaochen ( 钱 超 尘 ) , pointed out clearly that there are two schools in the exegetical history of neijing ( 内 经 ) - the collative school and the exegetic school . but up to date , in the field of chinese medicine , the collative school has been short of being studied . this dissertation mainly study the collative school , and select suwen ( 素 问 ) collative school , which is consisted of hushu ( 胡 澎 ) 、 yuyue ( 俞 樾 ) 、 sunyirang ( 孙 诒 让 ) 、 yuchang ( 于 鬯 ) , as the object to discuss the far - reaching influence of plain - ology to the study of medical documents 历史上研究《内经》的群体主要有两大类:校勘训诂家类和医学注释家类。前者以段玉裁、胡澎、俞樾、孙诒让、于鬯等皖派朴学家为核心力量,治学风格上偏于文理的考证;后者以王冰、吴昆、张介宾、马莳、张志聪等医学大家为主要代表,治学风格上偏于医理的解释。当代著名医学文献研究专家钱超尘则明确提出了“校诂派”与“注释派”两大派别概念。
Then , in order to open out the difference of the ways of their study between the collative school and the exegetic school , we have introduced 53 typical cases of textual research , which separately belong to five parts - distinguishing the forms , discussing the pronunciations , explaining the meanings , collation , explaining the medical principles , in the latter part of dissertation , and introduced every case by the order - [ original text ] [ collation and exegesis of past years ] [ textual research of anhui school ] [ commentary ] 论文下篇则选择了53例典型的考证释例,分辨形例、考音例、释义例、校勘例、释医理例五个部分,逐条按原文、历代校注、皖派考释、评析进行介绍,以展示“校诂派”与“注释派”的治学方法的差异。