| 1. | The set of edges which bound the region is the contour of the region . 包围某区域的边的集合称为区域的周线。 |
| 2. | Little was known about the occurrence of earthquakes in this intraplate region . 对此板块内区域的地震知道得甚少。 |
| 3. | Taxa which occur only in single restricted geographical areas are known as endemics . 仅仅出现于单个有限地理区域的分类群称为特有类群。 |
| 4. | The hcn laser makes possible studies of the hitherto inaccessible region of the far infrared . HCN激光使得至今尚未达到的远红外区域的研究成为可能。 |
| 5. | The two ends of all the strips join together to form the two opposite boundaries of the domain . 所有条带的两端联结一起构成该区域的两个相对的边界。 |
| 6. | Rivers which drain areas of red clay soils become highly colored during times of flood . 流经红色粘土土壤区域的江河在洪水泛滥期间河水带上很深的颜色。 |
| 7. | The regions of the united states east of the missouri have a rainfall comparable to that found in western europe . 美国密苏里河以东区域的雨量和西欧的差不多。 |
| 8. | The location of the instability zones is dictated by the combustor geometry and the steady-state combustion characteristics . 不稳定性区域的位置取决于燃烧室几何特性和稳定燃烧特性。 |
| 9. | The effects of acetylcholine on the electrophysiological properties of the various regions of the heart are summarized in table 19. 1 . 乙酰胆碱对心脏不同区域的电生理学效应总结在表19.1中。 |