拯溺救危: assist the weak and oppressed; deliver the people from extreme sufferings
Example Sentences:
North song s taijian remonstrance and supervision and bao zheng 略论北宋台谏与包拯
You can leave a response , or trackback from your own site 但是最后还是和包拯在一起了,没有成为皇后
Brief on bao zheng ' s confucian style 略论包拯的儒家风范
Bao ' s legal thoughts had a long cultural origin which was the result of confucian , taoism etc 包拯的法律思想有着深厚的文化渊源,其实际上是儒家、法家、道家等综合影响作用的产物。
" we ll file a lawsuit for baogong " , they said jokingly . their words represent the broadly - held respect for the ancient official 这虽是戏言,但包拯影响之广,辐射力之强,可见一斑。
You can also explore the lake area by rowboat . inscriptions by notables throughout the ages can be found inside the cave 石室洞内刻有历代名人碑刻题字,其中以唐代李邕及宋代包拯石刻著名。
Studying bao zheng ' s legal thoughts and practice will be of the realistic significance to the china ' s legal modernization 审视包拯的法律思想与实践,对于当代中国法制现代化具有重要的现实意义。
Bao zheng ' s thoughts about " ruling the country with law " and his impartiality in executing the law showed that he was well worthy of the representative of honest and upright officials in china 摘要包拯的“以法律提衡天下”的法治主张以及执法如山的实践,特别是他身上体现出的清官的特质,都说明他是中国清官文化当之无愧的代表人物。
Bao - zheng did not put them into the prison , but locked them up inside a dilapidated temple instead , ordering the prison guard to tell them not to sit overnight because the spirits were to write on the murderer ' s back after the midnight 包拯没把他们关进大牢,而是关进一座破庙里,并让狱卒传话,必须坐着过夜,三更后神灵要在凶手背上写字。
Once in this city with a history of about 3 , 000 years , we could not help thinking of the prosperous city scene depicted in " riverside scenes on qingming festival " , a famous traditional chinese painting by zhang zeduan of the northern song dynasty 960 - 1127 , and of the successive magistrates of the ancient city , such as ouyang xiu , kou zhun , fan zhongyan , yan shu and bao zheng , who made important contributions to the prosperity of the city 来到这座具有近3000年历史的城市,不禁令人忆起北宋清明上河图中呈现的“汴京富丽天下无”的繁荣景象忆起那为汴京繁荣作过贡献的历任府尹欧阳修寇准,范仲淹,晏殊和包拯。