| 1. | He decided that he must advance farther, rather than retreat . 他宁可再接再励,不愿半途而废。 |
| 2. | Another major class of theorems deals with less stringent conditions . 另外一大类定理处理不太严励的条件。 |
| 3. | I hated to speak harshly to her, for she is such a lamb . 我不愿意严励责骂她,因为她是如此年幼而天真无邪。 |
| 4. | The goal has now been finally attained through their dauntless and persistent efforts . 经过他们百折不挠,再接再励的努力,现在终于达到了目的。 |
| 5. | He would be glad to make suit to the banker's daughter, but does not receive much encouragement . 向银行家的女儿求婚,他当然很乐意,只是至今没有得到多大鼓励。 |
| 6. | You must pitch in and learn all about any situation you find yourself in, then be inspired to go on to other new experiences . 你应该努力不懈,把情况弄清楚,然后再接再励,去找其他新奇的事。 |
| 7. | The young man was encouraged to persevere in it by the circumstance that he felt his face fanned by the air, a proof that there was a little more wind . 这个年轻人感到微风拂面,显然起风了,这更鼓励了他坚持下去。 |
| 8. | Guide for the preparation of excitation system specifications 励磁系统规范制订指南 |
| 9. | Definitions for excitation systems for synchronous machines 同步电机励磁系统的定义 |
| 10. | Guide for the preparation of excitation system specifications 励磁系统规范制订指南 |