Peel and score the eggplants , cut into chunks and deep - fry till soft , remove 茄子去皮剞上刀纹,切块后用油炸软
I don ' t know . japanese modesty 祥眭耋挂剞挪
Cut the cabbage mustard stalks into sections , score crosswise twice and soak in water 兰度芥兰切段,两次剞十字花刀放在水中泡卷待用。
Score the squid with crisscross cuts , then cut into pieces , scald , remove and drain off the water 鱿鱼剞斜十字花刀后切块,焯水控干。
Clean the fish , cut open along the backbone , make 3 - 5 cuts along the inside but do not cut through the skin 制法鱼洗净,沿脊部剖开,从里面各剞3 - 5刀,但不能切断鱼皮
Clean the fish , cut open along the backbone , make 3 - 5 cuts along the inside but do not cut through the skin 制法鱼洗净,沿脊部剖开,从里面各剞3 - 5刀,但不能切断鱼皮;
Discard the membrane , brain and internal organs of the squids , rinse , remove the inner shell - like skin , score crisscross cuts on the insides , slice , add clear soup , stew till the slices roll up and are flavored , remove 鲜鱿鱼撕净套膜,摘下头脑内脏,治净后去角质内壳,在体内剞花刀后切片,下清汤中汆至入味捞出
Dice the mushrooms and carrots . chop finely the thick broad - beans , and still more finely the scallion and ginger . drop the mushrooms , bamboo shoots , diced carrots , and green soybeans into boiling water and cook till done , remove 冬笋切片,剞十字花刀后切粗长条,冬菇胡萝卜切丁,郸县豆瓣剁碎,葱姜切末,冬笋冬菇胡萝卜丁青豆下开水中煮透捞出
Clean the crucian carps , cut along the backbone , score several cuts on the sides , put in a saucepan with cold water , add seasonings , ginger slices , scallion sections , bamboo shoots , boil over a low heat till done , transfer to a soup plate , save the soup 鲫鱼治净,从脊背出剖开,从背上剞几刀,下清水锅加调料姜块葱段笋片烧开,用小火煮熟装入汤盆。