| 1. | Her delivery is a caesarean . 她是剖腹产。 |
| 2. | It was a difficult birth : she had to have a caesarean 她因为难产,要做剖腹产术 |
| 3. | Too late . gotta go . got a c - section at 9 : 00 太晚了.要走了.我九点要做一个剖腹产 |
| 4. | Application of songjie nianlian tang after hysterotokotomy 松解粘连汤在剖腹产术后的应用 |
| 5. | I have to give her a c - section . - do it 我得给她剖腹产. -开始动手吧 |
| 6. | - i have to give her a c - section . - do it -我得给她剖腹产. -开始动手吧 |
| 7. | Our first baby was born by caesarean 我们的头胎婴儿是剖腹产的。 |
| 8. | None of the infants with bleeding had been delivered by c - section 剖腹产婴儿无一例合并出血。 |
| 9. | Our first baby was born by caesarean 我们的头胎婴儿是剖腹产的。 |
| 10. | Vaginal births after c - section vbac 剖腹产后自然产vbacs比率 |