| 1. | Though you cast out nature with a fork, it will still return . 与生俱来的特质,岂能剔除。 |
| 2. | Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control . 我们进行质量检验时,有缺陷的产品均予剔除。 |
| 3. | At the time of sale, the obviously sick and unthrifty animals are usually excluded . 在出售时,剔除明显的病和僵牛。 |
| 4. | We always reject zero as an eigenfunction on the ground of physics . 根据物理上的理由,我们总是剔除把零作为本征函数。 |
| 5. | To exclude the γ-ray counts, all pulses below a fixed level are rejected . 为了剔除射线的计算,也就剔除了低于某一固定水平的所有脉冲。 |
| 6. | All values here are expressed in current prices, and are not adjusted to correct for inflation . 这里所有的数值都按现行价格表示,并没有进行调整以剔除通货膨胀因素。 |
| 7. | The easiest way to capture that buying power on behalf of domestic industry is simply to exclude imports . 要想了解支持本国工业的购买力,最容易的方法就是简单地剔除进口数额。 |
| 8. | By applying its concepts to worldly problems the mathematician can often brush away the details and reveal simple patterns . 数学家把数学概念用来解决实际问题,就能剔除细节而揭示出其中的简要模式。 |
| 9. | If one subtracted everything from the english culture that had foreign roots or antecedents, there would be little left . 如果有人要把英国文化中任何受外国影响或来源于外国的东西剔除掉,那么,英国的文化就所剩无几了。 |
| 10. | Weed out the uncommitted whiners and complainers early 尽早剔除那些抱怨叫苦者。 |