It was originally designed to provide a framework for governing 13 weak and desperate former colonies . 它的原来目的在于提供一个基础,以治理十三个软弱无助的前殖民地。
The tobacco industry has been larger and important for america's economy ever since colonial farmers grew tobacco for export 300 years ago。 烟草工业从三百年前殖民地时期农民种植外销以来,一直对美国的经济起着重大作用。
Britain was mandated to govern the former colony of german east africa 英国受权代管德国在东非的前殖民地
Jamestown settlement was built by the state of virginia in nineteen fifty - seven to celebrate the three hundred fiftieth anniversary of the former colony 1957年为了庆祝前殖民地350周年,维吉尼亚州建造了詹姆士镇岛。