When he spoke, it was in the most inadequate, commonplace voice of the many varied tones she had heard from his . 他开口的时候,他的声音,是她听见过他那富于变化的种种音调里最平常、最不切当的那一种。
It is asking us to find somehow to combine that vector and this one in the right amount , to get that one 问我们怎么样来组合切当数量的这个向量已经那个向量来得到那边那个向量。
Kensur rinpoche jampa yeshe with tsem tulku rinpochein bombay feeding birds . after checkup rinpoche had oversaw kensur rinpoche s examination and treatment with diabetic experts 堪梭仁波切当时患上糖尿病,詹仁波切陪同他前往检查及接受治疗。
1 ) the harsh natural environment , the scattered residents , the inconvenient transportation and inaccessible information , 2 ) the low level of production ability and insufficient educational investment ; 3 ) the negative influence of traditional ideas and the high illiteracy rate of female number ; 4 ) the aim of education can not connected with local demands , the educational contents is complicated , difficult , narrow and out - of - date , the educational ideas and educational means is often outdated , and all the teachers " quality is not in high , especially the great short of hui nationality teachers , and the great different distribution of educational resource between urban and rural 本研究认为,固原地区回族女童教育落后的原因是多方面的:自然环境恶劣,居住分散,交通不便,信息闭塞;生产力水平低,教育投入少;传统思想影响严重,女性文盲人口多;教育目标不切当地方实际,内容“繁、难、窄、旧” ,教育观念和手段落后,教师队伍整体素质不高,回族女教师奇缺,城乡教育资源配置差别大;家长文化素质不高、家教能力欠缺,家庭子女多,教育支付能力低。女童自信心不足,容易受外界因素影响。