Main works based on the newspaper samples is just as the following : ( 1 ) texture block is designed to embody more font characters . ( 2 ) filter orientation is optimized with genetic algorithm to make the angle set subtler . then the multi - channel gabor filter may extract better features 通过对实际字体样本的分析,本文主要完成了以下工作: ( 1 )设计了更能体现字体特征的纹理图像块; ( 2 )利用遗传算法对滤波角度进行了优化选择,得到了更为精细的角度集合,以此生成的多通道gabor滤波器能够提取稳定的字体特征; ( 3 )字体样本的分布具有多峰性质,以动态聚类算法得到的分段线性分类器更好地分类字体。