The birth weight of the piglets is a result of development of especially the fetal period 出生重更多的是胚胎时期发育的结果。
The standard deviation of average birth weight of piglets in a bigger litter increases . ( table 2 ) 窝仔数越多,平均出生重的标准差越大。
Birth weight of the piglets is positively related with average daily gain of the piglets and the growing - finishing pigs 乳猪的出生重和以后仔猪和生长-肥育猪阶段的日增重正相关。
The sow has an effect on the birth and weaning weight of piglets and therefore on the weight development of the growing - finishing pigs 母猪自身差异会对乳猪的出生重和断奶重有影响,进而会影响到后期生长-肥育猪生产性能的表现。