[ chūshǒu ] 1.(卖出; 脱手) get (hoarded goods, etc.) off one's hands; dispose of; sell 短语和例子 货物已经出手了。 the goods have been disposed of. 这幅画要是现在出手, 一定能卖个好价钱。 the painting would fetch quite a lot if you sold it now.2.(开始做某件事时表现出来的本领) skill displayed in making opening moves 短语和例子 出手不凡 make skilful [masterly] opening moves (in wushu, chess, etc.)3.(袖子的长短) length of sleeve
拿不出手: not be presentable 短语和例子我这笔字拿不出手。 my handwriting is not presentable
Example Sentences:
He lost his temper and struck out wildly . 他大发脾气,疯狂地出手打人。
He produced gloves and slipped them on . 他拿出手套戴上。
My handwriting is not presentable . 我这笔字拿不出手。
Fred hildebert won't release any of that cash . 弗雷德希尔德伯绝不会轻易让现金出手。
The goods have been sold . 货物已经出手了。
The small hotel room was no place for jabbers and dancers . 小小的旅馆房间对于出手快和脚步飘忽的人是不利的。
Romola stretched out her hand to the crucifix, and this act appeared to relieve the tension of her mind . 罗摩拉伸出手去接那个十字架。这个动作似乎解除了她思想的紧张。
I wrote in my summary report, and our forces thus released would help stabilize the eastern front and defend the west . 我在总结报告里写道,这样我们部队可以腾出手来协助稳定东线并保卫西线。
Mountbatten then capped matters by drawing a pistol from his pocket to demonstrate the strength of pykrete against gunfire . 蒙巴顿从衣袋中掏出手枪,准备用它来证明“派克里特”抵抗枪炮的力量,这就使表演达到了高潮。
The father, who was always very handsome and expensive in his tastes, seemed as if he never would be able to do anything worth doing . 爸爸用起钱来,一向是出手很大的,他爱好奢华的生活,看起来也不象是有朝一日会干出一番事业的。