Comparative study on different types of lipid metabolic disorder among the korean nationality and han nationality 人类学视野的古代汉族凤冠符号象征意义
Sedan parade in causeway bay under chinese wedding customs , brides were carried to groom s house on bridal sedan chairs 九对新人的打扮一丝不苟,新娘子身穿传统中式婚嫁裙褂头戴凤冠后佩,新郎哥则穿上长衫马褂及佩带绣球。
This refers to the sort of tyrannical bride who seethes over details like her bridesmaids ' pumps and her tiara ' s height , terrorising everyone in her path 我们说的是那些让所有的人都受不了的“野蛮新娘” ,她们事事操心:伴娘穿什么样的平底鞋,她们的“凤冠”有多高,什么事情都要管一管。