[ diāobì ] 1.(生活困苦) (of life) hard; destitute 短语和例子 民生凋敝。 the people lived in destitution.2.(事业衰败) (of business) depressed 短语和例子 百业凋敝。 all business languished
Ever higher dues ruined trade and depopulated towns . 越来越高的苛捐杂税使商业凋敝,城镇人口减少。
Round the little harbour were shabby streets in which lived fishermen and poor people . 小码头一带都是寒酸凋敝的小巷,住着渔民和穷人。
In this state of desolation you alone remained to conduct the government and to save the country . 在这个凋敝的国家里,唯有你,始终不渝地指导政府,拯救祖国。
Ants will then be saved from destitution , for they ' ll have abundant supply 这样在万物凋敝的冬季,蚂蚁同样可以丰衣足食。
A large number of peasants gathere at the outskirts of large cities , beijing has millions 经济围绕权贵运转,导致农村、内地的凋敝,大量农民聚集在大城市郊区,北京就有几百万吧。
But 40 percent of the population in the once - wealthy nation still lives below the poverty line , many of them in the crime - ridden industrial rust belt around buenos aires 但是这个曾经富裕的国家仍然有40 %的人口生存在贫困线之下。他们中很多人聚居在布宜诺斯艾利斯外围废弃的工业地带,那里犯罪频发,百业凋敝。
But 40 percent of the population in the once - wealthy nation still lives below the poverty line , many of them in the crime - ridden industrial rust belt around buenos aires 但是这个曾经富裕的国家仍然有40 %的人口生存在贫困线之下。他们中很多人聚居在布宜诺斯艾利斯外围废弃的工业地带,那里犯罪频发,百业凋敝。