A warrant officer who assists the engineering officer in the engine room of a naval vessel 海军机械军士长在舰上机械室中协助机械军官的准尉军官
To princess drubetskoy , who had petitioned him in favour of her only son boris 有关鲍里斯的情形已禀告国王,他被破例调至谢苗诺夫兵团的近卫队中担任准尉。
Murphy , a 21 - year veteran of the marine corps , “ you know in the back of your head that it isn ' t 一级准尉墨菲已在海军陆战队待了21年,他说,无论你怎麽努力假装一个模拟化合物是真的,你心里仍然明白,那不是真的。
The four man uk team will consist of a colonel , a lieutenant colonel , a captain and a warrant officer and will deploy for five days in early july 由一名上校、一名中校、一名上尉和一名准尉组成的英国四人专家组将于七月初被派遣执行五天培训工作。
He felt now that simply because he had been recommended to prince andrey , he had become at one step superior to the general , who in other circumstances , at the front , could annihilate a mere lieutenant in the guards like him 如今他觉得,仅仅因为他经由介绍已经认识安德烈公爵,他就立刻凌驾于这位将军之上了,这位将军在其他场合,在前线都有可能迫使他这个近卫军准尉无地自容。
At that moment boris saw distinctly what he had had an inkling of before , that is , that quite apart from that subordination and discipline , which is written down in the drill - book , and recognised in the regiment and known to him , there was in the army another and more actual subordination , that which made this rigid , purple - faced general wait respectfully while prince andreyof captains rankfound it more in accordance with his pleasure to talk to lieutenant drubetskoy 这时候鲍里斯已经明白,他从前所预见的正是这种情形:除开操典中明文规定兵团中人人熟悉他也熟悉的等级服从制度和纪律而外,军队中还有另外一种更为实际的等级服从制度,这种制度能够迫使这个束紧腰带面露紫色的将军恭敬地等候,而骑兵上尉安德烈公爵认为他可任意同准尉德鲁别茨科伊畅谈一番。
In kutuzovs service was not to be obtained for boris by all anna mihalovnas efforts and entreaties . shortly after the gathering at anna pavlovnas , anna mihalovna went back to moscow to her rich relatives the rostovs , with whom she stayed in moscow . it was with these relations that her adored borinka , who had only recently entered a regiment of the line , and was now at once transferred to the guards as a sub - lieutenant , had been educated from childhood and had lived for years 安娜帕夫洛夫娜举办晚会后不久,安娜米哈伊洛夫娜就回到莫斯科,径直地到她的富有的亲戚罗斯托夫家中去了,她一直住在莫斯科的这个亲戚家中,她的被溺爱的鲍里斯从小就在这个亲戚家中抚养长大,在这里住了许多年,他刚被提升为陆军准尉,旋即被调任近卫军准尉。
He had completely assimilated that unwritten code which had so pleased him at olmtz , that code in virtue of which a lieutenant may stand infinitely higher than a general , and all that is needed for success in the service is not effort , not work , not gallantry , not perseverance , but simply the art of getting on with those who have the bestowal of promotion , and he often himself marvelled at the rapidity of his own progress , and that others failed to grasp the secret of it 他完全领会了奥尔米茨实行的那种使他悦意的无明文规定的等级服从制度,遵照这种制度,一名准尉竟能无比地高于一名将领,遵照这种制度,要想求得功名利禄,飞黄腾达,不必要努力和劳累,不必要刚勇,也毋须忠贞不渝,只要擅长于应酬那些论功行赏的人就行了,因此他常因自己迅速获得成就而感到诧异,并因他人无法明了这种奥妙而感到惊讶。
We will talk it over later , said prince andrey , only let me report on this gentlemans business and i am at your disposal . while prince andrey was away reporting to the commander - in - chief on the business of the purple - faced general , that general , who apparently did not share boriss views as to the superior advantages of the unwritten code , glared at the insolent lieutenant , who had hindered his having his say out , so that boris began to be uncomfortable 当安德烈公爵去禀告那个面露紫色的将军的情况的时候,这位将军显然不赞同鲍里斯认为无明文规定的等级从属制度有益的观点,他双眼死死盯着那个妨碍他和副官将话说完的鲁莽的准尉,鲍里斯觉得不好意思。他转过脸来,不耐烦地等待安德烈公爵从总司令办公室回来。