| 1. | From the founding of new china to the eve of the 1960s china was a net exporter of grain 从新中国建立至六十年代之前,中国是粮食净出口国。 |
| 2. | Although iran is a net exporter of oil , it is a net importer of refined products 尽管伊朗是个石油净出口国,但它也是精炼石油产品的净进口国。 |
| 3. | China moved last year from being a massive importer of steel to being a modest net exporter providing a temporary escape valve for domestic producers 去年,中国从一个钢铁进口大国转变为中等净出口国,为国内生产商提供了临时的“减压阀” 。 |
| 4. | Malaysia is regarded as a net exporter of plastics products , with its exports posting a growth rate of 24 percent up from 5 . 4 billion ringgit in 2004 to 6 . 7 billion ringgit in 2005 马来西亚被认为是塑料产品的净出口国,在2005年其出口增长率高达24 % ,从2004年的54亿令吉增长到2005年的67亿令吉。 |
| 5. | Mckinsey suggests chinas booming trade surplus has put it into the position of being the worlds largest net exporter of capital , topping japan , germany and the oil exporters for the first time 麦肯锡认为,中国不断扩大的贸易顺差已令其成为全球最大的资本净出口国,首次超过日本、德国和石油出口国。 |
| 6. | In addition , a total shutdown would harm many of iran ' s friends , though it would also increase oil income for those who are net exporters of oil ( such as russia and other opec members ) 此外,完全停止石油出口会伤害许多伊朗的朋友,尽管这样做也会增加那些石油净出口国的收入(譬如俄罗斯和其他欧佩克成员国) 。 |
| 7. | As restrictions against importing soyabeans were gradually lifted in the 1990s , china made a rapid transition from being a net soyabean exporter to the world ' s largest importer within several years 上世纪90年代,随着进口大豆限制逐步取消,中国在几年时间内,就从一个大豆净出口国迅速转变为全球最大进口国。 |
| 8. | In just a handful of years , china has gone from a country in which personal cars were a rarity to a country with the world ' s fastest - growing car market … from a country in which vehicle emissions were largely an afterthought to a country in which emissions have become a major environmental concern … from a country that was a net exporter of petroleum to a country that is one of the world ' s major petroleum importers 短短几年时间,中国已经从一个私人轿车还不多见的国家,变成了全球发展最快的轿车市场;中国对汽车排放问题的关注度也日益提高,今天该问题已经成为环境保护的要务之一;同时,中国也已经从一个石油净出口国,变成全球主要石油进口国之一。 |
| 9. | Along with china ' s entrance of wto , the petrochemical industry in the foreign countries , especially asian countries ( areas ) , has been developing rapidly . the production capacity of po has been increased to a great extent and the competition to contend market portion has been becoming more and more fierce 随着中国加入wto ,国外特别是亚洲国家(地区)石化工业的快速发展,聚烯烃产品的新增能力大幅提高,争夺市场份额的竞争也越来越激烈,东南亚许多国家由净进口国变为净出口国,使国内聚烯烃市场感到了巨大压力。 |