The water in the bowl froze last night . 昨夜碗里的水冻冰了。
The winter of 1932 was so cold that niagara falls froze completely solid 1932年的冬天冷到尼亚加拉瀑布都完成冻冰。
Yet these violent currents contain water ice , not sand or dirt 然而,构成这些强烈气流的不是沙或尘埃,而是水冻冰块。
Be careful about flying at high altitudes as the plane ' s wings might get iced up 在高空飞行时要小心,因为飞机翅膀可能会冻冰。
The ice and snow is melted in spring , the malachite is replied and emerged , become the good season choosing the jade and dragging for the jade again 冬季河水冻冰,玉石不易发现。春季冰雪融化,玉石复露出,又成为拣玉和捞玉的好季节。
I would rather do the walking through mutual helping than relying on the asistance by healthy people . i knew there might be difficulties ahead on our life journey 他家不远有个鱼池,冬天冻冰了,小五弟给我做了一个冰车,我们一起去滑冰。