贴: Ⅰ动词1.(粘贴) stick; paste; glue 短语和例子贴邮票 stick on a stamp; 请勿张贴! stick no bills! 他们把一张布告贴在墙上。 they have pasted up a notice on the wall. 我用什么把这个贴上去呢? what can i stick this on with?2.(紧挨) nestl
翻: 动词1.(变换位置; 歪倒; 反转) turn over; turn around; reverse 短语和例子碰翻 knock over; 推翻 overturn; overthrow; 在床上翻来翻去 toss in bed; 车翻了。 the truck turned over. 把饼翻个儿再烙一会儿。 turn the cake over and bake it s
胎: 名词1.(幼体) foetus; embryo 短语和例子怀胎 become or be pregnant2.(怀孕或生育的次数) birth 短语和例子头胎 first baby; 一胎三子 triplet birth3.(衣服、被褥等的面子和里子之间的衬物) padding; stuffing; wadding 短语和例子棉花胎 the cotton padding o