Support will be provided to bonito and tuna fishing industries around the okinotorishima islands 将支持冲之鸟岛周围鲣和金枪鱼的渔业生产。
This article tries to analyze this regime based on the disputation between china and japan 结合中日之间关于“冲之鸟岛”的争议,对《公约》的岛屿制度进行探讨因此显得尤为重要。
Foreign ministry spokeswoman zhang qiyue s remarks on the representations made by japan on a chinese vessel s presence in the waters near " okinotori 外交部发言人章启月就日本交涉我考察船进入“冲之鸟岛”附近海域事答记者问
The metropolitan government will consolidate its efforts to install floating fish beds and carry out research into potential fishing grounds around okinotorishima islands . such efforts will boost the attractiveness and value of the islands and increase the effective utilization of rich ocean resources in the area 都政府将努力加强浮动鱼床的安装以及冲之鸟岛周围潜在的渔业资源的研究,这些努力将会增强小岛的吸引力和价值,大大的提高该地区海洋资源的有效利用。