| 1. | Upholds the principle of combining peacetime footing with wartime footing , uniting the army with the people , and having a reserve among the people 坚持平战结合军民结合寓兵于民的方针 |
| 2. | Part one mainly discusses the history inevitability of army ? ivil unit in our country ' s national defence industry management system 在第一部分中,主要阐述市场经济条件下我国国防工业走军民结合发展道路的历史必然性。 |
| 3. | Thwe article reviews the histouy of recent 50 years and present situation of our ountry ' s national defence industry army - civil unit 在对我国国防工业五十多年来的历史研究过程中,重点考察了我国国防工业军民结合的历史与现状。 |
| 4. | On the other hand , tiema truck still has suffered from inherent shortage , such as the poor capability of scientific research and development , small - scale investment , poor quality 铁马汽车是军转民、军民结合的产物,是在和平年代利用军品生产的富余能力哺育出来的。 |
| 5. | National defence work in china is subordinate to and in service of the nation ' s overall economic construction , adhering to the principles of " combining peacetime with wartime " and " integrating the army with the people 中国的国防建设服从和服务于国家经济建设大局,坚持走“平战结合” 、 “军民结合”的发展道路。 |
| 6. | Our country ' s military industry institutes proceed the work of defence industry conversion ( the conversion of military resources to civilian fields ) directed by strategic policy of " unity of military and civilian industry " , and acquire very great success 我国军工院所在“军民结合”的战略方针指导下,大力开展军转民工作,取得了巨大的成绩。 |
| 7. | We will establish sound systems of weapons and equipment research and manufacturing , military personnel training and logistics that integrate military with civilian purposes and combine military efforts with civilian support , build the armed forces through diligence and thrift , and blare a path of development with chinese characteristics featuring military and civilian integration 建立和完善军民结合、寓军于民的武器装备科研生产体系、军队人才培养体系和军队保障体系,坚持勤俭建军,走出一条中国特色军民融合式发展路子。 |
| 8. | We will establish sound systems of weapons and equipment research and manufacturing , military personnel training and logistics that integrate military with civilian purposes and combine military efforts with civilian support , build the armed forces through diligence and thrift , and blaze a path of development with chinese characteristics featuring military and civilian integration 建立和完善军民结合、寓军于民的武器装备科研生产体系、军队人才培养体系和军队保障体系,坚持勤俭建军,走出一条中国特色军民融合式发展路子。 |
| 9. | At present , in line with the principle of combining a peacetime with a wartime footing and the military with the civilian sectors , and having reserve soldiers among the people , china continues to perfect its defense mobilization system , strengthen its mobilization potential and capacity , and promote the modernization of defense mobilization work 目前,中国正按照平战结合、军民结合、寓兵于民的方针,进一步完善国防动员体制,增强动员潜力,提高动员能力,推动国防动员建设不断向现代化方向发展。 |