| 1. | The reds had tailored her a special uniform . 红军为她特地裁制了一套军服。 |
| 2. | You must turn in your uniform when you leave the army . 你离开部队时,必须把军服上缴。 |
| 3. | His uniform was rumpled . 他的军服皱皱巴巴。 |
| 4. | The lieutenant in his dazzling uniform smiled and talked blandly . 上尉穿着耀眼的军服,殷勤地边笑边谈着。 |
| 5. | I came here with the intention of requesting the uniform of a musketeer . 我来此的目的是想请您赐予我一件火枪手军服。 |
| 6. | Many insert bodies in green uniforms and gray life vests floated off it . 许多身穿绿军服和救生衣的无生气的尸体在附近漂浮。 |
| 7. | By christmas, with fair luck, he might be eligible for service in khaki . 等到圣诞节,如果一切顺利,他大概可以够资格穿卡叽布军服了。 |
| 8. | Fine feathers and scarlet cloaks would not be excuses for baseness and deception . 漂亮的帽缨,鲜红的军服也就不能成为开脱卑鄙行径和欺骗手段的工具了。 |
| 9. | Very few failed to succumb to this delightful young man so full of the pathos of that uniform . 大多数人都对这个穿军服的愉快的小伙子那丰富的哀婉情调大加赞叹。 |