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Chinese translation for "内陆河流域"

endorheic drainage

Related Translations:
内陆河:  continental riverendorheismendothecia riverinland waterway
内陆河流:  inland riverinland stream
控制流域:  control catchment
流域规则:  watershed planning
流域坡降:  slope of watershedwatershed slope
流域等级:  basin order
流域演算:  watershed routing
实验流域:  experimental basin
支流流域:  tributary basintributary drainage area
流域形状:  basin shapeshape of basinwatershed form
Example Sentences:
1.Hydrological and water resources problems in arid inland river basin
2.The landscape ecological construction in continental river basin in arid zone
3.Assessment of social water scarcity in the continental river basin of hexi , gansu province
4.The continental river watershed of arid area lies in the hinterland of the eurasian continent , far from the seas with relatively closed topography , dry climate , low precipitation and high evapotraspiration
5.Shiyanghe river basin is a typical inland river basin , which was caused severe ecology problems by human over exploitation . it is a typical representative in whole dry land in northwest of china
6.The shortage of water and its impact on sustainable development has drawn wide and great attention around the world . hexi region in gansu province as aridity and semiarid rejoin , the shortage of water and environment problems are very serious
7.At present the annual average shortage of water in river - basin reaches 6 - 8 ( 108m3 ) . considering the growth of population , urbanization and industrialization , the lack of water will continue in the coming 15 years , which will greatly influence the regional development
目前,河西内陆河流域年缺水量平均达6 ? ? 8亿立方米,考虑到人口增长、城市化、工业化推进等因素,未来15年河西地区水资源短缺问题将持续存在。
8.Being a typical arid inland river basin , heihe river valley , with scarce precipitation and strong evaporation , is a heavy arid region , where water resources per capita is only 1350m3 and per mu 510m3 , only 60 % and 30 % of those of china
黑河流域作为我国典型的干旱内陆河流域,不仅降雨稀少,而且蒸发强烈,人均实际占有水资源量仅为1350m ~ 3 ,亩均水量为510m ~ 3 ,分别为全国的60和30 ,接近缺水的下限,是严重干旱缺水的区域。
9.As for inward rivers areas ( mainly limited in hexi corridor ) , studies and experience suggest that the extreme utilization rate of river water should not higher than 70 % and the ecological environment oriented water use should not less than 50 % of the total water resources
内陆河流域首先满足居民生活用水和生态用水,再满足工业用水,最后供给农业;同时,内陆河流域用水量的最高开发利用率应不超过70 % ,并确保生态环境的耗水不低于水资源总量的50 % 。
10.Especially , the study connected remote sensing theory , landscape ecological principle with traditional ecological method , moreover , integrated rs , gps and gis , revealed the enormous potentiality of landscape ecological study by remote sensing technique in continental river basin in arid zone
特别是将遥感方法、景观生态学的方法与普通生态学研究融为一体,并把rs 、 gis 、 gps有机地结合起来,揭示了基于遥感的干旱区内陆河流域景观主态环境的研究潜力巨大。
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