The nanocomposites were prepared by monomer in - situ polymerization or polymer solution intercalation . the structures of nanocomposites were analyzed . the polymer intercalated in the layer 在单体插层聚合中, n一乙基毗咯三甲基镣不仅在层内聚合,还可在层外聚合, vzos层间扩大至13
We find a great increase of the glass transition temperature of guest polystyrene which influenced by the confined geometry of the pores of mcm - 41 used differential scanning calorimetry ( dsc ) 主体材料mcm - 41的晶体结构的有序性虽有所降低但依然完整,吸附性能下降,孔内聚合的聚苯乙烯的dsc曲线异常,呈中间隆起状,玻璃化转变温度提高约25 。