| 1. | Recent studies , published in june in the archives of internal medicine , confirmed the finding 近来刊登在《内科学文献》期刊上的的研究结果证实了这一发现。 |
| 2. | As reported in the archives of internal medicine , the dieters lost an average of 2 . 2 percent of bone density in the lower spine and at the hip 根据《内科学文献》报道,节食者下游脊柱和髋骨平均损失了2 . 2 %的骨密度。 |
| 3. | There was no evidence at any of the follow - up points that vitamin e supplementation significantly affected cognitive function , the researchers report in the archives of internal medicine 随访期中没有任何迹象表明维生素e补脉很大程度上影响认知功能,研究者在《内科学文献》上报道说。 |
| 4. | The study was published in the archives of internal medicine along with an editorial by turek and northwestern colleague joseph bass commenting on it and related research 该研究结果发表在美国《内科学文献》期刊上,塔瑞克和西北大学的同行约瑟夫?贝斯共同对上述研究结果及其相关研究发表了评论。 |
| 5. | According to the data , drinking a moderate amount of alcohol - - up to four drinks per day in men and two drinks per day in women - - reduces the risk of death from any cause by roughly 18 per cent , the team reports in the archives of internal medicine 内科学文献集》中的小组报告称, .根据这些数据,适量饮酒? ?男性日饮4杯,女性日饮2杯? ?大概可将由各种原因致死的危险降低18 % 。 |
| 6. | According to the data , drinking a moderate amount of alcohol - - up to four drinks per day in men and two drinks per day in women - - reduces the risk of death from any cause by roughly 18 per cent , the team reports in the archives of internal medicine 发表在《内科学文献》上的系列报告中有数据表明,适度饮酒- -男性每天最多4杯,女性每天最多2杯- -将可能由任何疾病引起的死亡风险降低大约18 。 |
| 7. | About one in 10 of those who took the anti - depressants fractured a bone over the 5 - year study period - - often from minor falls - - said the researchers from mcgill university in montreal , writing in the journal archives of internal medicine 蒙特利尔市麦吉尔大学研究人员在《内科学文献集》杂志的文章中说,在这项研究的五年期间,服用过抗抑郁药的人中大约有十分之一发生了骨折,而且常常只是因为摔了一小跤。 |
| 8. | Women who consume two or more cups of tea daily over a period of time may lower their risk of ovarian cancer compared with women who never or seldom consume tea , according to a new study published in the december issue of the archives of internal medicine 一项发表在最新一期英国内科学文献杂志上的瑞典研究结果显示,每天坚持喝2杯或2杯以上茶的女性和那些从不喝茶或很少喝茶的女性相比,前者患卵巢癌的危险较之后者要小得多。 |
| 9. | Optimism is good for the heart , a study said on monday . the most optimistic among a group of 545 dutch men age 64 to 84 had a roughly 50 percent lower risk of cardiovascular death over 15 years of follow - up , according to the study published in the archives of internal medicine 据路透社2月27日报道,发表在美国最新一期内科学文献上的荷兰精神健康学会研究人员的这份报告指出,根据15年的随访,在64岁至84岁的545名荷兰人中,心态最乐观的人因心血管疾病而死亡的几率比其他人低50左右。 |
| 10. | Optimism is good for the heart , a study said on monday . optimism is good for the heart , a study said on monday . the most optimistic among a group of 545 dutch men age 64 to 84 had a roughly 50 percent lower risk of cardiovascular death over 15 years of follow - up , according to the study published in the archives of internal medicine 据路透社2月27日报道,发表在美国最新一期内科学文献上的荷兰精神健康学会研究人员的这份报告指出,根据15年的随访,在64岁至84岁的545名荷兰人中,心态最乐观的人因心血管疾病而死亡的几率比其他人低50左右。 |