| 1. | Kyodo news agency quoted sources as saying both mother and baby were fine 日本共同社报道说,母子平安。 |
| 2. | Kyodo news service claim fleet expect can must kill whale and 50 flat a whale 850 little 共同社称,船队预料会猎杀850条小须鲸和50条座头鲸。 |
| 3. | Something still has to boot up that software and configure it properly , and that something is the community 还要有东西让这套系统启动,并正确配置,这样东西就是共同社会。 |
| 4. | According to kyodo news , the school told to parents that the record oil prices were driving up the costs of food 据日本共同社报道,校方已向学生家长们做出了解释,称决定采用此举主要是因为油价空前上涨造成食品成本也随之上涨。 |
| 5. | Japan ' s kyodo news agency also reports china and japan have canceled planned talks between their foreign ministers that were initially scheduled for beijing on sunday 日本共同社报导说,中国和日本取消了原定于星期天在北京举行的外交部长会议。 |
| 6. | " it was a malicious crime that cleverly took advantage of a mentality for revering the imperial court and imperial family , " kyodo news agency quoted judge takaaki oshima as saying 日本共同社援引该案法官takaaki oshima的话说: “这是一场居心叵测的犯罪,罪犯利用了人们对皇室法庭和皇室家族的尊敬。 ” |
| 7. | Abe , who became prime minister last september , will officially convey the plan to chinese premier wen jiabao , who arrives in japan on wednesday , kyodo quoted the sources as saying 共同社报道,中国总理温家宝将于本周三抵达日本进行访问,在访问期间安倍将会把再次访问中国的计划向温总理转达。安倍晋三是在去年9月成为日本首相的。 |
| 8. | Tokyo , japan ( reuters ) - - japanese prime minister shinzo abe will make his second visit to china since taking office as early as this autumn , kyodo news agency reported on wednesday , citing japanese government sources 东京日本(路透社) - -共同社引述日本官方消息报道,日本首相安倍晋三将于今年秋天早些时候进行他继任以来的第二次访华。 |
| 9. | Japan ' s kyodo news service reports thursday that u . s . secretary of state condoleezza rice and japanese foreign minister taro aso discussed the issue on the sidelines of the asia - pacific economic cooperation apec forum in vietnam ' s capital , hanoi 日本共同社星期四报导说,美国国务卿赖斯和日本外相麻生太郎在越南首都河内出席亚太经合组织会议期间讨论这个问题。 |