| 1. | Jimmy durante's buffoonery was hilarious . 吉米杜兰特的滑稽表演令人捧腹。 |
| 2. | Beyond gainsay it is a genuine rembrandt . 无可否认地,那是真的伦布兰特(的画)。 |
| 3. | Mrs. grant's manners are just what they ought to be . 格兰特太太待人接物非常得体。 |
| 4. | We gave our support to brandt's historic course . 我们支持勃兰特具有历史意义的方针。 |
| 5. | Brandt's innocent gesture saved hitler's life . 布兰特的这个无意识的动作救了希特勒的命。 |
| 6. | Mrs. grant immediately gave them credit for everything else . 格兰特太太立刻觉得他们样样都好。 |
| 7. | With brandt we understood his basic point only too well . 对勃兰特,我们对他的心思摸得太透了。 |
| 8. | She put mrs. grant to right the other day in twenty places . 前几天她给格兰特太太纠正了二十多处。 |
| 9. | It apparently didn't bother brenda, but she wanted it recorded . 布兰特显然对它并不在乎,但她想把情况摆明。 |
| 10. | The entrance of a grants and crawfords was a favourable epoch . 格兰特夫妇和克劳福特姐弟的到场是一个有力的转折。 |