The male gonads, the testis, lie outside the abdomen within the scrotum . 公畜的生殖腺--睾丸,位于腹壁外的阴囊内。
Veterinarians are frequently asked to certify the fertility of male breeding stock . 兽医们经常需要检查公畜生育力。
The desire and ability to carry out a complete act of mating is typical of sexually mature males . 性欲和进行完整的交配动作的能力是公畜性成熟的象征。
Telegony is the supposed influence of a female's first mate on the offspring of her later matings with other males . 先父遗传是与母畜第一次交配的公畜,对以后该母畜与其它公畜交配所生的后代会有影响。
The male gonads , the testis , lie outside the abdomen within the scrotum 公畜的生殖腺- -睾丸,位于腹壁外的阴囊内。
Among the herd of livestock and poultry , there shall be no individual corral for feeding , except the following : sire , young animal or poultry , small - scale rearing , sick , and giving birth ? after the confirmation process has been completed 群饲之畜禽不能个别圈饲,但下列情况除外:种公畜禽、幼畜禽、小规模饲养、生病及分娩等,惟应经过认可。