| 1. | 4 . corporate responsibility insurance 4 .公司责任保险 |
| 2. | Corporate responsibility matrix 公司责任矩阵 |
| 3. | The style of work : stops until attain perfection , gets to the heart of the matter 公司责任:社会公司家庭个人共赢工作风格:止于至善追根究底 |
| 4. | Corporate governance : how a company ismanaged , in terms of the institutional systemsand protocols meant to ensure accountabilityand sound ethics 公司治理:指公司的管理方式,即确保公司责任能力和行业规范的机构体制和行为准则。 |
| 5. | To protect clients assets , fortune group has purchased large amount of corporate responsibility insurances in the united states and china , to avoid any unexpected loss for our clients 富勤集团为保护客户的利益,分别在美国和中国购买了巨额的公司责任相关保险,以免意外可能给客户带来的损失。 |
| 6. | Proportional reinsurance , also named as sum insured reinsurance , is one using sum insured to divide the total risk amount into primary insurer ' s retention and reinsurer ' s liability 比例再保险又称金额再保险,是以保险金额为责任分配的基础,确定分出公司自留额和接受公司责任额的一种再保险。 |
| 7. | The real estate management involved so numerous and complicated law relation that this paper is mainly to have an analysis on the responsibility of the real estate management corporation , which is caused by the third people 本文针对因第三人侵害业主而引发的物业公司责任纠纷案件的上升态势,分析了物业管理中的一些法律问题。 |
| 8. | It can be subdivided into quota share reinsurance , surplus reinsurance and quota share & surplus complex reinsurance . non - proportional reinsurance , titled as loss reinsurance as well , is one using loss amount to separate retention from liability ceded 非比例再保险又称损失再保险,是以损失赔款为责任分配的基础,确定分出公司自留额和接受公司责任额的一种再保险。 |
| 9. | . this part will propose the conception of the system of enhancing obligations of fhc and reasons to implement the system . the reasons mainly are : first , the significant role plays the financial industry in modern 主要有三个方面:一是要制定单独的金融控股公司法;二是在金融控股公司法中规定相关的加重控股公司责任的制度,以及适用这些制度的条件;三是构建配套的金融监管机制。 |
| 10. | 1 . principle of warranty free warranty service is delivered only when failure of power unit or parts damage due to disqualification or defects of manufactured and assembled products , and materials occurs on the condition that customers correctly use and maintain them following user manual for aosif diesel power unit and instruction for relevant supporting motor and power generator within the warranty term , and the failure is confirmed by service staff with aosif or aosif dealers for aosif to take responsibility 顾客在严格按奥斯福柴油发电机组用户手册及相关配套发动机和发电机使用说明书,正确使用保养的条件下,在规定的保修期限内,因产品的制造装配和材料等不合格或存在缺陷造成机组故障或零部件损坏,经奥斯福aosif公司服务人员或奥斯福公司销售服务商的服务人员评定确认属奥斯福公司责任后,给予免费保修服务。 |