They have made great efforts in technical innovation and every one of them has shown his own art and skill just like the eight immortals soaring over the ocean . 他们大搞技术革新,真是八仙过海,各显神通。
This idiom consists of eight characters , so we our audience must hear it clearly . here each of us hashis or her own way of dealing with the situation 这个成语有八个字,大家一定要听清楚了。我们这里可是八仙过海,各显神通。
He has profound skills , used to act the leading roles in king monkey , to block the way of horse , eight immortals crossing the sea , zhong kui took his younger sister in marriage , etc 他武功卓越,功底深厚,在《孙悟空三打白骨精》 、 《挡马》 、 《时迁盗甲》 、 《八仙过海》 、 《钟馗嫁妹》等戏中都有不同凡响的表演。