| 1. | One s monthly income minus rmb 4 , 000 yuan is his taxable amount of income 按全月应纳税所得额的多少,税率从5 45 。 |
| 2. | The new salesman is quite an operator . he exceeded his month ' s quota in the first week 这个新来的推销员真不寻常,他在第一个星期里就超额完成了他全月的推销定额。 |
| 3. | The monthly rainfall of 723 millimetres was about 2 . 4 times the normal amount and ranked the fourth highest for the month 九月多雨,全月总雨量为723毫米,约为正常数值的2 |
| 4. | Calculation formula : monthly tax payable monthly net chargeable income x tax rate - deduction for fast calculation 计算办法:全月应纳税额=全月应纳税所得额x适用税率速算扣除数 |
| 5. | Baby department : 0 - - - 18 month ' s baby , mother - baby class . half day class . morning and afternoon class . hour - care class 三、婴儿部:招收0 - - - 18个月的婴儿,开设有亲子班、半日托、日托、临时托、全月工作日托、全月托。 |
| 6. | It ' s worth noting the shanghai composite is down nearly 9 % from the record high it reached in mid - october , and barely in positive territory for the month 值得注意的一点是,上证综合指数目前较其本月中旬创下的纪录高点下跌近9 % ,全月截至目前累计几乎没有上涨。 |
| 7. | The fractional months , if any , of the commencing or terminating month of the lease shall be charged for the days actually used on base of daily rent of 1 / 30 of the monthly rental 起租月及停租月实际租用日数不足全月时,该月之费用按实际租用日数计算,每日各项租费为全月三十分之一。 |
| 8. | It knows the number of west rail " one - month pass " sold in each month since the introduction of the monthly pass , and how the average monthly ridership of west rail compares to that before the introduction of the pass 是否知悉自西铁推出全月通车票以来,每月售出该车票的数目,以及西铁每月的平均乘客量与推出有关车票前的数字如何比较; |
| 9. | The chinese scientists will for the first time have three - dimensional pictures taken for the whole lunar surface , explore into the amount and distribution of 14 elements on lunar surface and probe into the thickness of the whole lunar earth 中国科学家将第一次进行全月面三维立体照相,探测月球表面14种元素的含量和分布,以及全月球表面的土壤厚度。 |
| 10. | The wind fields and temperature fields data provided by " d files " from 14 surface observation stations around beijing area are used to produce the mean wind fields and the mean temperature fields over beijing area in summer and winter 用北京及市郊地区共14个地面气象观测站的全月数据顺序文件“ d文件”提供的风场及温度资料,采用逐时月平均的方法对北京及周边地区的冬夏两季的风场,温度场特征进行了研究。 |