税: 名词1.(征收的货币或实物) tax; duty; tallage; due 短语和例子船舶[船货] 税 dues on the vessel [cargo]; 出[进] 口税 export [import] duty; 房产税 house tax; 减税 reduce a tax; 纳税 pay taxes; 逃税 dodge [evade] a tax; 营业税 bus
党: Ⅰ名词1.(政党) political party; party 短语和例子保守党、 工党和自由党 the conservative, labour and liberal parties; 退[脱] 党 secede from the party; 他忠于他的党。 he is true to his party.2.(在我国特指中国共产党) the party (the