Ⅰ形容词 1.(完备; 齐全) complete 短语和例子 获得全胜 win complete victory; 人都来全了吗? is everybody here? 手稿已残缺不全。 the manuscript is no longer complete. 这商店虽然小, 货物却很全。 the shop, though small, has a satisfactory variety of goods.2.(整个) whole; entire; full; total 短语和例子 全国 the whole [entire] nation; 全过程 the entire proceeding; 全世界 the whole world; all over the world; 全中国 the whole of china; all over china; 全书共二十卷。 the work is complete in twenty volumes.Ⅱ副词 (完全; 都) entirely; completely; totally 短语和例子 全错了 completely [all] wrong; 课文全复习完了。 we have reviewed the whole text. 全怪我。 it's entirely my fault. 她全不理会大家的话, 只是坐在那里发呆。 she paid no attention to whatever others had said but sat there in a trance. 我们一家全去了。 my whole family went.Ⅲ动词 (保全; 使完整不缺) make perfect or complete; keep intact 短语和例子 全性保真 (taoist) keep one's original nature; 苟全性命 manage to stay alive with sacrifice of principles; 两全其美 satisfy both sidesⅣ名词 (姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 全琮 quan cong
Example Sentences:
I do not care a sod for what people think . 别人怎么想,我全不在乎。
It would n't be wholesome for you to go there . 你去那儿恐怕不安全。
The timber carries the whole weight of the roof . 栋梁支撑屋顶全重。
The new commemorative stamps are all sold out . 新纪念邮票全卖完了。
She bowed her head with absolute indifference . 她全不理睬地低着头。
His speech cast a chill over the hospital . 他的话使全医院为之寒心。
The country is made up of meadow and marsh . 那地区全是草地和沼泽。
His statement must be taken with a grain of salt . 他的话不能全信。
They are identical and indistinguishable . 他们是全同的和不可区分的。
Edward was totally unconscious of all this . 爱德华对这一切全无察觉。